Monday, 19 April 2010


T and I went camping again at the weekend, the weather was fab, it was warm and sunny but it was sooo cold at night! Billy was much more settled this time and we didn't have M with us so we went to an 18+ site. I was slightly nervous wondering if it would be like a swingers site but it was very peaceful with out kids and no one asked us for our car keys.
I've been so much better recently but today was a bad day, I'm much more jumpy and Asda was a nightmare. I read a novel over the weekend called Summer of Secrets about a girl with PTSD, it was good, very accurate. I liked her counsellor he was very informative! It's good to be able to concentrate and read again.

Billy by the Fleet

Thursday, 8 April 2010

outdoor madness

When T and I first met I said I would never camp, today we not only bought a tent but booked ourselves a night at a campsite 5 mins down the road to give said new tent a dry run. (lets hope it is a dry night or it will be a one night stand for me and the tent!)
Not sure what has changed my mind but quiet looking forward to getting out of the house and slowing down a bit.
Work is still a struggle andl I haven't had any ideas of what else I could do, i'm very tired and have gone back to feeling as if I'm walking through treacle. Lets hope the time out in the sun has some relaxing benefits to my poor brain.

Thursday, 1 April 2010

So tired

I haven't slept properly in days, the limited amount of sleep I was getting has reduced since starting phased return, little wonder, some of my "mates" at work can be rather brutal. I obviously have a large sign over my head that says "kick me while I'm down"
The carnival college course is fab. I'm enjoying being creative and can get lost in the sketchbook stuff for hours. Some of the teachers on the course can be a bit miserable.
Wish I could think of another job I could do other than nursing, i'll wait for inspiration to strike.