Monday, 19 April 2010


T and I went camping again at the weekend, the weather was fab, it was warm and sunny but it was sooo cold at night! Billy was much more settled this time and we didn't have M with us so we went to an 18+ site. I was slightly nervous wondering if it would be like a swingers site but it was very peaceful with out kids and no one asked us for our car keys.
I've been so much better recently but today was a bad day, I'm much more jumpy and Asda was a nightmare. I read a novel over the weekend called Summer of Secrets about a girl with PTSD, it was good, very accurate. I liked her counsellor he was very informative! It's good to be able to concentrate and read again.

Billy by the Fleet

1 comment:

Mama Drama Times Two said...

Lucky you - camping without kids! Love the pic of your dog! Question: What does "The Fleet" mean??? Here in New England, USA there is a coastal town called Wellfleet. I always though the fleet was a group of boats...